Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bill Rancic

Amzu's blog reminded me of my meeting with the old Apprentice winner, Bill =) So I thought I'd share a picture.

I met him in Atlantic City and later I realized Troy was behind him and I totally ignored him. That was mean of me. Oh well. I saw a bunch of the others too but didn't go up to them.

He was so cute in person and has the most gorgeous eyes!

Exercise DVD's

Ok so I bought a couple of workout dvd's from ebay a few weeks ago. The first one I love - it's some cardio dance dvd. They have a warm-up, salsa dancing and "funk" dancing. The chick in the video is fun and perky and makes you want to work-out. And the hubby doesn't mind it because he thinks she's hot. Ok so great dvd.

Then I got some "Slim Fitness" dvd and I just tried it. Wow, can we say boring? First of all, the instructions are just in the background and the actual chick is in her own world. So there's absolutely no motivation because she's not pushing you to do anything. On top of that, the voice has an English accent. Gee, that's going to push me to work-out. And get this, the chick has this little pouch and she's ugly and middle aged. Uhh, if I want to see a pouch I'll look at my own stomach thank you very much. Ok, it's not horrible but it's definitely not workout dvd worthy. Ew. So that was a waste of money. Unless I can stomach watching the whole thing and just finding some moves I like and doing them without the dvd.

Ok end workout rant =)

Monday, February 27, 2006


I don't really have anything to write about but I felt like posting. So I'll do one of my random bullet point posts. Let's see ..

-My in-laws are coming back from India this week after a month. They're definitely ready to be back home.

-The house is finally clean! I can see my dresser!

-I was sick for a week and now I have some funky nasal inhaler thing. It's funny looking and I don't like snorting it. Sigh. Anything besides the sickly feeling is good though.

-There have been no good shows on tv this week because of the damn olympics. Everytime I remember to watch a show, the olympics are on instead. Sorry, just not into them very much.

-Gotta go into the city tomorrow and it's so friggin cold. I hate walking around in the cold. But, alas, I have H&M calling out my name and I can't say no.

-My mom just called to tell me that everyone keeps asking her if i'm pregnant yet. The other day I even considered it and shared that with the hubby. The next day day I took it back and he said, oh i was going to say we should do a big vacation to Greece or Australia if you're serious - which made me change my mind back, but it was too late. Sigh. And now mother in law is coming back to add on to it. Let's see how long I last..

-I love Friends - haha this is the best show ever.

-Search engine optimization is a biatch. Why are search engines so difficult. Specifically Google. Damn you google. (Just kidding Google Gods, I love you)

-I got thrown up on twice today. But I didn't get peed on! Whoohoo! My nephew is a bugger.

Ok I'm done for now. Time to pick up the hubby and fix the basement wall so I can paint and get these damn bookcases up!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Raghav and Juggy D

Yay, finally a concert I want to go to!

Raghav, Juggy D, Veronica .. yay!

I missed the last one and I was so disappointed. The downside? It's $35. That's a lot for cheapos like us to dance with sweaty indians. Oh well, I'll find a way to convince the hubby. I think the last concert we went to was Shinda and the place was tiny and he didn't come on til 1am but we still had a blast.

Raghav - played out. Loved him when he came out but he's old now. But that's ok .. he seems like he might have some stage personality.

Juggy D - i love his album. Sure it's not really "bhangra" but at least it's not all hip hop washed punjabi music. I think he's amazing for someone so young from the UK. And he gets me singing and dancing while driving =)

Veronica - ok she has a couple decent tracks - namely the ones where Juggy D does most of the singing haha. But that's ok =)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Parental Control

So I've been watching this new show on MTV called Parental Control. Basically they show a family in which the parents don't like the person their child is dating. The parents then interview a group of potential dates and pick one each for their kid to go out with. They go out on a date while the parents and current boy/girlfriend watch them from the house. At the end the kid chooses one of the new people or stays with their current squeeze. It's actually pretty fun and it's a relief from the trashiness of "next", "room raiders" and some of the other mtv shows (though I'll admit I watch those sometimes too).

So i've noticed that the guys who are set up on dates are MUCH more likely to choose a new person but the girls rarely do so. They tend to always pick their current boyfriends. Makes so much sense but it's so sad!

Even though I'm always rooting for them to choose a new person, I still wish these teenage boys weren't such hornballs!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Aishwarya Rai

Damn, she's gorgeous!

Moneymaking Gurus

A little piece of news I came across here.

"Guru Singh Khalsa" lives in Beverly Hills and supposedly helped Madonna regain her singing voice after giving birth and is now helping Brit.

And to think my turbaned husband is wasting his time in the corporate world .. we could be living in posh beverly hills making money off celebrities! Who knew turbans could take you so far.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I love you Target

I got my shelving units!!

I'm so excited!! FINALLY!

9:30 Saturday night I called my final 3 targets. one had the display model, another had the display model, and the third had TWO PACKAGED units. Packaged! So we drove all the way to Queens at 8 in the morning and loaded them up =) Then we happened to find a gorgeous furniture set for my SIL and wound up going to 3 targets to get the whole set. It took the entire friggin day - we didn't get a break until dinner. But we got everything at 50% off =)

We set aside the day yesterday to putting the shelves up which required fixing up the wall behind it a bit. Yea, well, when we took out the old bookshelf we found a crappy surprise and now this project is going to take MUCH longer. On top of that, we actually have to agree on an accent paint color. Sigh.

But I got them! even if they are sitting in boxes in the basement =)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Target Woes

Target is driving me up the wall but I'm so damn addicted!!

Remember the shelving unit I mentioned earlier (here)? Well it was $300. I went to Target yesterday and saw that it was on clearance at 30% off (exactly as my wise husband had predicted). Anyways, we asked them to get two and they said there was only one left - the display model. We NEED TWO! So I'm talking to the lady about it and she says that it's not public information, but that on Sunday everything left in the Global Bazaar is going to be 50% off. 50 friggin percent off! That would mean I could get both for $300. What more could a girl ask for??

But now by waiting I'm risking the chance that someone else will come and snatch it - there's no way to put it on hold and you can't get the price adjusted because it's on clearance. Last night I called over 20 Targets (really not an easy task) and found a total of 4 of these shelves. Now I am praying to God that nobody buys them today. I'll call the final 3 Targets tonight to see which ones still have them and then 8am one of us is going to one Target while the other goes to the other one. I'm getting my sister-in-law's big SUV and we'll be all set.

Say a little Target prayer for me .. I really want these =)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Weather Freakout

So the weather on the East Coast is in the low 50's and everyone is going psycho with joy over the warmth. At the same time, the Bay Area is in the low 50's and everyone there is freaking out about how cold it is. This is hilarious =)

I can't wait to move back to Cali so that I can go through winter like a tough guy because of this experience.

Ok, now I'm going to enjoy the 50's before we hit the below freezing weather this weekend.

Anyone have plans for the long weekend?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


So i got the chance to spend the day with my hubby yesterday .. I had him all to myself! No laptops involved! Ok, well after noon that was the case. We went up to Mohegan Sun because it was the only day trip we could think of and the city was pretty slushy and didn't seem fun to walk around in. I lost money =( Maybe I only make money when my mom is with me? Hmm. But it's ok, we didn't splurge on dinner =)

Got a chance to brainstorm and talk over a bunch of new potential business ideas and ways to expand current ones. Hopefully I can work hard on that and get something productive done.

Do you realize how many retarded desis are sitting on domain names that I want? Seriously I must have typed in 50 of them and they were all taken, yet there was nothing on them. Idiots. And some are trying to sell them for $3,000+. HA! Good luck to them.

Ok off to be productive. Adios!

P.S. Valentine's candy is 50% off today - go stock up =)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Godiva Love

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Ok I don't really care about vday but hubby has the day off so I like it now =)

I got some very yummy Godiva chocolate covered strawberries of which almost half have already been eaten. What? I shared, okay?

Ok off to make plans for the day.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Random February Musings

-I'm over Kanye West. He was cool when he was new and making good music. Now he's full of himself and an exposing chest, sunglasses wearing kinda guy. I love Golddigger but I think Jamie Foxx made the song. Almost anyone could have replaced Kanye's voice in the song. Anyways Kanye, after the Grammy's you've officially been crossed off my list of cool people.

-It's going to snow this weekend. I'm not very happy about that. I'm grateful that winter has been so easy so far but I'm really not happy when hearing any news about snow.

-I want to go to Miami .. to hang out in the sun, eat at News Cafe and to go to South Beach Bhangra. But alas, we're on a budget and tickets on a 3 day weekend aren't exactly affordable. We could attempt driving but the weather is so unpredictable.

-I'm craving waffles with chocolate and fresh strawberries from Tryst. Anna, I will always remember you when I think of Tryst =)

-Valentine's Day is so commercial - no, this is not a new discovery, just a reiteration. No Valentine's day gifts for us - we have a deal to buy them after v-day when they're half off =) Well except for my chocolate covered strawberries from Red Envelope - I have to have those.

-Last night my niece and I were listening to some DJ Sanj remix that featured Snoop. I taught her how to sing it and how to dance all gangsterly. So the rest of the night she walked around the house singing "Drop it like it's hot" and dancing like a gangster =) But, don't worry, we followed it up with half an hour of an intense bhangra lesson since the little dork forgot everything I taught her since her mom got Zee TV, etc.

That's all for now =)


I have a new blog find ... Slave to Target. How friggin appropriate for my life =) Today they are featuring this very classy shirt from Target.

Me and lawyers usually don't work out. When I was younger my dad said I could marry anyone but if I married a lawyer, he would disown me. I'm sure there was some joke factor in there but for the most part it was true =) Our favorite joke was that 98% of lawyers gave the other 2% a bad rep.

In college a good friend of mine was in law school. I was honestly surprised that I could get along with him so well. But that friendship ended due to drama-filled reasons. I had another very good friend who was a lawyer but she ditched me - reference my answer to "I Hurt" below. Another family friend is a lawyer and I can't talk to her for more than 15 minutes alone. I guess I'm stereotyping but for the most part lawyers just have to be right in any argument and I can't stand that. It defeats the purpose of a conversation if we're going to turn it into a legal battle where your only aim is to defend your case. But again, I am completely stereotyping here and my previous very close lawyer relationships prove that I still give lawyers a chance =)

Alritey, now that I have inadvertently offended all law students/lawyers .. I shall continue with my day. Haha.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Survey Time

I Live: in Milford, CT
I Work: not as much as I should =)
I Talk: too much
I Wish: for all my dreams to come true
I Enjoy: Acting like a 3 year old with my niece, Sukhmani
I Look: younger than my age, which will eventually benefit me I'm sure
I Find: lots of junk in this house that i love throwing away
I Smell: like my body wash - not much of a perfume girl
I Listen: to music on my ipod
I Hide: my diary and all my expensive jewelry =)
I Pray: to Waheguru
I Walk: nowhere because I'm a Californian and we don't walk
I Write: articles on IWS
I See: very poorly - I'm almost blind
I Sing: anything by Babbu Mann
I Laugh: pretty damn often when I'm around those I love
I Can: finally cook!
I Watch: Lost!
I Learn: how to raise children by being around my niece and nephew
I Dream: strange dreams in the early morning
I Want: a massage
I Cry: when I'm homesick and generally unsatisfied with life on the wrong coast
I Burn: food when I try to cook
I Read: US magazine because I'm addicted to celebrity gossip
I Love: my husband
I Sometimes: watch pre-teen shows on the Disney channel
I Touch: nothing on my dresser which leads to chaos
I Hurt: when a friend deserts me for a reason that is not apparent to me
I Fear: loneliness
I Hope: my children do not have to worry about terrorism
I Break: hearts (lol, ok, not anymore)
I Eat: chocolate covered strawberries on Valentine's Day
I Quit: my job managing a portfolio of tradeshow websites so I could start my baby
I Bathe: once in a blue moon - I'm a shower person
I Drink: virgin strawberry daquiris
I Save: hotel room key cards ... I have over 100
I Hug: everyone!
I Meditate: never - despite the lectures from Dad
I Play: Poker online sometimes
I Miss: California (that was a no brainer)
I Hold: grudges
I Forgive: rarely
I Drive: a '97 lexus that was a wedding gift from my parents
I Have: a scar on my eyebrow from stitches
I Don't: have cool knee-length boots because none fit right on my legs
I Made: profit =)
I Kiss: my babies and my husband
I Believe: i can touch the sky
I Owe: no debt
I Feel: like a loser for not thanking God more often for all I have
I Know: almost all the words to "Can I get a &^*% You" by Jay-Z
I Wonder: what my kids will be like

Monday, February 06, 2006

What? I was bored.

Some quizzes that kept me amused:

You Are 40% "Average American"

You are average because you wouldn't pay to go in space.

You are not average since you don't drink.
How sad is that? I thought I was more American than that. Now I'm going to have an identity crisis.

You Are Mexican Food

Spicy yet dependable.
You pull punches, but people still love you.
Nice! I love Mexican food and it's always hard to find the genuine yummy kind =)

You Are a Glazed Donut

Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that.
You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness.
Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you.
And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten.
This is totally me. Plain and simple. Though occasionally I like to put on some chocolate frosting to change things up.

Target Love

I must reiterate the fact that I am in love with Target. I went last night to buy one thing and wound up spending $150. And that's not unusual whatsoever. So I'm walking by my favorite section (organizational stuff) when I'm greeted by the most gorgeous setup I've seen. They expanded the Global Bazaar to four aisles and a large floor area. On the floor area they had this huge outdoor iron pavilion type thing with gorgeous furniture surrounded by different outdoor chair/table setups. I was about to cry. Seriously. It wasn't just the furniture .. it was more the thought of living somewhere where I could have this outdoor room in my large, manicured backyard ... in California of course. Decorated with indian pillows and drapes around the tent. Sigh.

Anyways, I also finally found a bookcase at Target I love but we would need two of them and that's going to be $600. Am I foolish to think I can get something that looks like this for less? I really want it =(

30% off everything in the Global Bazaar this week so if you're thinking of doing some decorating, now is the time to go.

If you have seen a shelving unit similar to this anywhere, please let me know!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Jessica Alba Shops at Target!

Wow, SM mentions Jessica Alba and Aishwarya in a post and now I see that Jessica shops at my favorite store!

From PITB.

Ouch to the 10th Degree

Ouch ... of all the muscles I have pulled or nerves I have pinched, I can now say that pulling an ab muscle was the worst experience of them all.

The night before yesterday I couldn't move at all. Every movement sent this shooting pain through my abs. On top of that I felt like my entire stomach was going to explode. I felt like such an old lady .. I couldn't even turn around while laying down by myself. Thankfully hubby took the day off yesterday to take care of me.

I'm loading up on some pain meds but not willing to go to a doctor yet. Right now I feel like someone punched me a few times in the stomach .. so I guess that's a step up. I've gotten advice from everyone and their mothers but it looks like it'll just have to naturally correct itself. Until then, I'm off to take some more meds.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Butter Review

Butter Restaurant
415 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10003

Went there for Restaurant week so sampled the limited menu.

First Course: Cavatappi Pasta Spicy Lamb Sausage and Yellow Tomato Sauce
Wow! I wish this was my entree. The flavor was amazing.

Second Course: Braised Lamb ShankGarbanzo Beans, Slow Cooked Endive
I can't wait to tell my mom I had lamb with choley. Haha. Not a fan - the sauce was too sweet.

Dessert: Warm Chocolate Stout Cake Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate Chantilly
A lovely way to end the dinner, but I was expecting a molten center which I didn't get. And did you know that chocolate "chantilly" just means chocolate mousse? Anyways, I can't complain about chocolate cake and ice cream.

Good food - nice setting - wouldn't go again anytime soon simply because there's too many other restaurants to try - and those damn skinny model waitresses annoyed me!

Monica Dean

Monica Barladeanu - Wow, this woman is gorgeous! I saw her on Lost a couple weeks ago and have been meaning to look her up. Seems she's a Romanian actress - I would have easily thought she was a Miss Universe or something.

Ok upon a Google search I found some pretty scandalous images - that's ok - I'll just remember her Lost look =)

Mean New Yorkers

I finally discovered the answer to that question that plagues so many Californians on the East Coast ... Why are New Yorkers so mean?


Because they HAVE to be!

If you're nice, you're not gettin' anywhere buddy. Trying to catch that train? Ain't gunna happen unless you shove yourself through a few people and step on some toes. Late for dinner? You're gunna have to cut off some taxi drivers to get there in time to find parking. Want to let an elderly person in front of you during rush time at GC? You'll be cussed out in 3.2 seconds by everyone behind you.

Sigh ... the joys of New York. Maybe if I actually lived in the city, I would get used to it. But until then, I think I'll try to enjoy it during non-rush-hour times of the day =)