I Live: in Milford, CT
I Work: not as much as I should =)
I Talk: too much
I Wish: for all my dreams to come true
I Enjoy: Acting like a 3 year old with my niece, Sukhmani
I Look: younger than my age, which will eventually benefit me I'm sure
I Find: lots of junk in this house that i love throwing away
I Smell: like my body wash - not much of a perfume girl
I Listen: to music on my ipod
I Hide: my diary and all my expensive jewelry =)
I Pray: to Waheguru
I Walk: nowhere because I'm a Californian and we don't walk
I Write: articles on
IWSI See: very poorly - I'm almost blind
I Sing: anything by Babbu Mann
I Laugh: pretty damn often when I'm around those I love
I Can: finally cook!
I Watch: Lost!
I Learn: how to raise children by being around my niece and nephew
I Dream: strange dreams in the early morning
I Want: a massage
I Cry: when I'm homesick and generally unsatisfied with life on the wrong coast
I Burn: food when I try to cook
I Read: US magazine because I'm addicted to celebrity gossip
I Love: my husband
I Sometimes: watch pre-teen shows on the Disney channel
I Touch: nothing on my dresser which leads to chaos
I Hurt: when a friend deserts me for a reason that is not apparent to me
I Fear: loneliness
I Hope: my children do not have to worry about terrorism
I Break: hearts (lol, ok, not anymore)
I Eat: chocolate covered strawberries on Valentine's Day
I Quit: my job managing a portfolio of tradeshow websites so I could start my
babyI Bathe: once in a blue moon - I'm a shower person
I Drink: virgin strawberry daquiris
I Save: hotel room key cards ... I have over 100
I Hug: everyone!
I Meditate: never - despite the lectures from Dad
I Play: Poker online sometimes
I Miss: California (that was a no brainer)
I Hold: grudges
I Forgive: rarely
I Drive: a '97 lexus that was a wedding gift from my parents
I Have: a scar on my eyebrow from stitches
I Don't: have cool knee-length boots because none fit right on my legs
I Made: profit =)
I Kiss: my babies and my husband
I Believe: i can touch the sky
I Owe: no debt
I Feel: like a loser for not thanking God more often for all I have
I Know: almost all the words to "Can I get a &^*% You" by Jay-Z
I Wonder: what my kids will be like