Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I'm leaving tonight for London! I finally managed to finish packing (well, almost). What ended up as one suitcase became two and a backpack. That sucks. I hope the heathrow airport carts take credit card. I'm so paranoid. Especially after a flight where I had two suitcases and one opened and had clothes leaking out. And now I'll be alone with a roaming cell phone until someone picks me up. Sigh. I'm not good at this adventure thing.

But I get to see my family! Yay! I'm excited to see everyone and now I can finally say I have family in London (well, as soon as my cousin gets married next weekend). Free lodging .. what could be better =)

I spent yesterday with my nephew and niece. Their mom actually left me alone with both of them. That's the first time I've been alone with such a tiny baby. I almost had a heart attack when he started coughing .. thankfully hitting his back fixed that problem. But, wow, tiny babies are scary as hell. And the only way I could get him to stop crying was by doing squats by holding him. Yup, it was the only thing that worked. My step aerobics teacher would be so proud.

Ok off to do last minute arrangements and errands. Hopefully I'll find an internet connection out there because otherwise I will come back completely insane. Bye!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Chick Lit

So I'm the kid who used to be able to read a whole book in 1-2 days and ordered new ones every month from that book club pamphlet they handed out in class. I was at the library ALL the time. My parents hated it. They would yell at me to stop reading because they said I wasn't experiencing and enjoying life. I guess they wanted me to talk more on those car rides instead of turning on the little backseat personal light in the benzo and reading quietly.

Anyways, I outgrew that phase once my fun little private school had me reading more books than I could keep up with. I never really read in college either. Then a coworker made me get The DaVinci Code and i loved it. Since then I started reading some random books here and there.

A couple weeks ago, SS, lent me one of those chick lit books. I finished it in 2 days and loved it. These books are great. You don't have to put a single thought into them and the girl is always happy at the end. What more could you ask for? Granted, I always have that sad feeling at the end because I wish it would go on and I could read more about their fun lives.

So now I have 4 new chick lit books to read. Except that I have too much preparation to do for England to actually read them!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Wow, your english is great

I finally heard the line - the line I've heard others speak about but never faced. Well, it wasn't said to me .. but to my husband.

At the conference in VA, I heard someone say "Wow, your English is really good."

Well, gee, he came to America at 3 and grew up in NY and CT ... I would sure hope his english is damn good. I mean, sure, the turban stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of mostly 40+ white men, but come on people!

Anyone have any clever comebacks? I want to have them handy.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

More Pics!

Ok so the baby has been named - Kabir Singh =)

We went to Gurdwara and hubby's dad took Vaak and the first letter was K so Kabir it is!

I've been taking care of the Big Sister and she's still very excited about the baby. But tonight I"m going home and then off to DC/VA for a couple days. I won't be here when they bring the baby home =( But I guess it's time to go back to the routine life (until my England trip!)

Here's some pics of the cutie:

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's a BOY!

We have a new baby boy in the family!!! My sister-in-law delivered her baby yesterday afternoon making me a Mami the second time around =)

Oh ... my .. god he is so cute! The pictures do no justice. I'll be at the hospital again today taking better pictures. But seriously, I think most newborn babies look like aliens or monkeys but this one was too cute! I mean, he looked like a sausage when the nurse brought him in .. but still so cute! He's got a massive head of hair .. but that's nothing new. And he's got my husband's family's thighs. (I'm praying our kids don't get those).

Sukhmani is excited .. I was home with her while her mom was at the hospital. When I told her it was a boy she started crying, yelling and kicking saying "No, It's a girl!!" Well, that didn't go well. But after I calmed her down, and after she got to touch the baby she was fine. Now she still says it's a girl but then follows it up with "no.. it's a munda." So she'll be fine =)

Ok that's my update .. I'll have more pictures tomorrow. Hmm when Sukhmani was born I made a website for her .. I think I'm going to pass on that this time. Just put up the pictures on ofoto and call it a day =)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Dare to Be Daring

Ready to transform your lashes?

Oh .. my .. God .. Aishwarya is hot.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I take a lot of vitamins. I have to - or my dad will somehow find out and lecture me =)

I'm doing my weekly vitamin placing in my little blue dabbi that my mom gave me. Right now we're at Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Zinc, and CoQ10. I don't know what more than half of these are. Oh the blind faith I have in my Dad.

Ok off to distribute vitamins!


Remember the good 'ol days when AIM was a new, cool thing? I remember sitting at my computer for hours chatting it up with every person I knew. It wasn't uncommon to have 10 IM conversations going at the same time. And I took pride in being able to arrange them all perfectly on the screen so they barely overlapped one another. And, of course, I exceled in the Windows-M key function that helped me convince my Dad I was hard at work, not 'wasting my life away.'

Now it's all flipped around. Are people too busy with other things to have 10 IM conversations at once? I swear I haven't talked to more than 3 people at one time in the past 2 years. In fact, talking to more than one person at a time now seems rare. Everyone's busy with work.

Back in the days I could carry on two hour conversations with people I barely knew. Now I'm much more hesitant to even IM an old college buddy I haven't seen in a while. Maybe life would be more fun if we all just IM'ed those names on our buddy lists instead of just checking their away messages. But we're all grown up now and we've left that to the next generation of multi-IM'ers.