Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I'm leaving tonight for London! I finally managed to finish packing (well, almost). What ended up as one suitcase became two and a backpack. That sucks. I hope the heathrow airport carts take credit card. I'm so paranoid. Especially after a flight where I had two suitcases and one opened and had clothes leaking out. And now I'll be alone with a roaming cell phone until someone picks me up. Sigh. I'm not good at this adventure thing.

But I get to see my family! Yay! I'm excited to see everyone and now I can finally say I have family in London (well, as soon as my cousin gets married next weekend). Free lodging .. what could be better =)

I spent yesterday with my nephew and niece. Their mom actually left me alone with both of them. That's the first time I've been alone with such a tiny baby. I almost had a heart attack when he started coughing .. thankfully hitting his back fixed that problem. But, wow, tiny babies are scary as hell. And the only way I could get him to stop crying was by doing squats by holding him. Yup, it was the only thing that worked. My step aerobics teacher would be so proud.

Ok off to do last minute arrangements and errands. Hopefully I'll find an internet connection out there because otherwise I will come back completely insane. Bye!