Sunday randomness
It seems that writing random bullet point posts seems to be the way to go, a la Anna and Chai so that's what I'm doing too because I haven't posted in so long.

*Some Pictures from the Bahamas are uploaded on Flickr here
*Went to the Bahamas and stayed at the Atlantis - gorgeous, supersized resort. Got upgraded to the Imperial Club because of an error on their part and thoroughly enjoyed that. There's just this feeling that you get when you get in an elevator and the other couple presses 4 or 5 and you get to press 17 =)
*Went to the casino - delayed it the entire trip and refused to go - but finally gave in. Went on the slots (I'm not a big gambler) and started with $25 and was up to $305 in 10 minutes. Of course, my greedy self kept going and never resdiscovered that luck and wound up leaving -$50. Not good - felt horrible.
*Spent the day with the niece and nephew yesterday and oh my god - what a great form of birth control! I love them beyond belief, but wow! Have you ever been in a store with a screaming 3 year old and a screaming 1 month old? Wow, not fun!!
*Every time we went through security in the Bahamas airport we got the same line "Sir, take off your hat." Funny, I've never heard that one before. And then the hilarious part - after they pull him aside to feel him up, he gets the line "You were selected randomly"! Gotta love those Bahamians =)
*I need to write a review of my trip for all those travel boards I visited prior to the trip. But I'm lazy. Sigh, need to get on that. I'd feel guilty otherwise.
*Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are over for good - divorce announcement made. How sad is that. Damn that bastard Nick.
*I hope Britney and Kevin are over - but at the same time, that must be so sad to divorce a man when you have a new little baby. I just don't understand why she thought he would be a good father to her baby? For someone who had to mature so fast, she sure is pretty damn stupid.
*I'm trying to find shelves for the storage room at Target but I'm not finding them. Went to the local one yesterday and they didn't have them. Now we have to go trekking to other stores to get them. Organization is hard.
*Flickr is really damn slow.
*I've decided to create New Year's Resolutions and my first resolution is to get around to making the list.
*I don't know what I'm doing for New Year's and that sucks - I really don't want to spend it sitting cramped between two fat aunties in a sweaty Gurdwara. I've had enough of that.
*Snow sucks. Do you know how horrible it is to return to freezing temperature after 80 degree weather? It's really horrible. I can't wait to be back in California where temperature under 70 is considered cold.
*I read two chick-lit books on this trip. Now I need to get some more.
Ok I'm done. Need to go clean. Fun!
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