Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Kids? I don't want kids!! Well, not yet. Why all the pressure? Why is everyone around me getting ready to pop one out? My body is not at all excited about popping any children out.

I get the question everyday, from someone or another. Usually my mother in law - and then you have my mom who calls my mother in law and tells her to bug me about it. Gee mom, thanks a lot. Is this like a rite of passage? Am I not officially married and settled until I have a kid?

Forget the fact that I'm not even 25 years old yet, I'm not mature whatsoever! Ok, I like to pretend I am, but I'm really not. I'm still a kid. I can count on one hand the meals I can make that involve a stove (and two are noodles and pasta). What am I going to feed my kids? Ramen Noodles?

And childbirth? Let's not even get into that. I can barely tolerate a shot, much less childbirth. And the body changes! I'm trying so hard to go back to my pre-wedding weight so I can fit into my pretty clothes again .. the last thing I need is a big baby belly!

Maybe it's because we've played such a large part in raising my niece since the day I moved out here. We think of her as our child; a child we get to return when we're too busy. Maybe that's why I'm not as goo goo gaa gaa over the idea of having kids as some of my other friends.

The hubby wanted kids a year after we got married - but that's all changed now. So he's as up in the air about this as I am. When will I (we) know it's time? Does a light bulb go off that lets you know that you're ready? Does the nagging just finally get to a level where you can't take it anymore?

Sigh. Useless post, I know, but I had to get it out somewhere and there's only so much my husband can take =)


At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got your back! It's like the minute you get married, all the elders move on to the next topic: When are you going to pop out a kid. My sister-in-law is on to her second, but mind you that she was married 5+ years before they even talked about having one. Yet she's one of the biggest nuisances on my case!

I'm not totally against the idea, but I can definitely tell you NOT NOW (and I've got a good few years on you, even!) I mean, we only just got married- I want some time alone with him, we want to travel, make a home, work through all the family stuff before there are kids, sort out holidays, learn how to make healthy dinners even though we can subsist on falafels 3 days out of 7 ;) etc etc. No hurries, and yeah I'm a bit too vain to F up my figure right now... let me get a few more years out of being hot. Then I'll resign myself to sari-fat-rolls and arm jiggles and cellulite :P

I figure you have one of a few options:
- say "if you want another baby in the family so badly, YOU have it" especially effective when said jokingly to mother-in-law
-say "eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!"
- say "soon, I hope. I'm so dang sick of WORKING a JOB! Then I'm off the hook if I get knocked-up!"
- tell everyone that your husband fires blanks (he might not find so funny...)
-this is my favorite: look the questioning party dead in the eye and proceed to explain how at this point you're just happy to get a piece of you-know-what!

After being hounded for a year and half non-stop, I finally just turn these questions over to my husband, since it's usually his family that's asking. I play totally dumb. "I don't know, ask him..."

to paraphrase something ANNA once said, "don't let the aunties commandeer your ovaries!" after all, they have their own. :)

At 10:13 AM, Blogger sherni said...

haha DD you are hilarious. I love the "he fires blanks" - I'd like to pass that on to my MIL but I think my husband would shoot me first =)

Same with my sister in law - they waited 4 years and she's one month away from giving birth to her second. If she got to wait, why can't I? (lol, I sound like a 3 year old)

I've adopted the "ask my husband" attitude as well. After all, I'm not the only one who's making the baby decision. It's strange that they expect that it's just the woman's decision/responsibility.

Anyways, I wish you luck in combating your relatives =)

By the way, do you run BA?

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny that you ask about BA. I don't own/run it, though I was doing a lot of work for her. I've actually recently resigned my post for the sake of my sanity. loooooooong story :(

Good luck staving off the baby questions! I think you're right, we should just throw the responsibility of answering to our husbands. I'd field the questions, but I'm too busy doing laundry and making roti like a good bibi ;)

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

-this is my favorite: look the questioning party dead in the eye and proceed to explain how at this point you're just happy to get a piece of you-know-what!

Oh, I wish I could be there to see DD say that, and to watch their faces when she does :D

Of course, they always could just point you in the direction of the turkey baster and point out that they care little about your recreation, only about your procreation.

-- Ennis

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