Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Baby shower planning

This whole baby shower thing is tough ... this coming from someone who spent 2 years planning her wedding. My biggest complication is the people who are attending. I have white people, brown people, old aunties, young girls. That's quite a mix of people. It's hard finding games that the older people will get and the younger people won't be bored out of their minds with. I did make a list of a bunch of games and will decide soon. Also need to order their favors .. which would be a lot easier if the damn indians would rsvp! Come on people!

Looking at my sister-in-law's registry makes me want to have a kid. There's so many cute little baby things and of course they pick the cutest, chubbiest kids to model these things. I mean, look at this kid! Aww, I can't wait for the new baby. I'm so excited to see my niece's reaction. I have a feeling she's going to be half maternal and half jealous. She's really used to having all of the attention directed at her.

Ok enough baby talk!


At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby showers can be fun... I've attended a couple and I know of many games that the kids and even the aunties played. If you want any suggestions for games or whatnot, feel free to i/m me. xXxDesiJulietxXx


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