Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm here!

Wow, I haven't blogged in a while. Hubby's been home sick for nearly 2 weeks and finally went back to work today. I don't feel like blogging when my sick hubby is laying next to me =)

*I haven't been to the gym in so long because I just can't go alone (unless I'm going to a class). I was sick for a while = no gym. Now hubby was sick = no gym. This sucks. I really need to get back. I've already gained 1.5 pounds back.

*On the plus side, I'm fitting into all the clothes I was wearing as a newlywed =) Now if only I could get to the pre-marriage clothes =)

*I'm trying to do a new development with IWS but I'm nervous about whether it will work or not. And kicking it off will be a huge time commitment.

*Next week is our 3 year wedding anniversary. I've had a gift idea for a while but I didn't act on it because I figured the anniversary was so far away. Well yesterday I realized it's next week!! Don't think I'll be able to get it done in time.

*I haven't been out of the house in a while. It seems the only places I've been are the doctor's office, the hospital and the CVS pharmacy (with a trip to Trader Joe's and the Dry Cleaner's thrown in). I need to get out! Hubby's fever still isn't down so I'm hoping that gets solved this week because it's been way too long.

*Apparently because next week is 3 years, we have to have kids ASAP. If we do not, we will always regret it and realize we made a mistake. And to everyone who keeps calling to tell us this - SHUT UP!

Ok back to work I go - I feel like I took a 2 week break from life and now everything's catching up to me.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Oni said...

Congrats! Doesn't the time seem to fly. It'll be my 2 year anniversary in September and that's crazy!!!

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Chic Mommy said...

hey just caught up with all your posts. glad to hear your hubby's doing better. You're such a good wife! happy anniversary.

But about those kids.....try to hold on to your coupledom as long as you can. Everyone kept pressuring us to have kids too, and once we did, no one wanted to help out with the childcare duties or even babysit for us. They're available to "ooo" and "aaa" over the babies, but once the baby poops in the diaper, all eyes are looking at you. Our social life has been reduced to going to dinner parties with other couples who have little children as well. or going out to eat at restraunts that have kiddie menus and crayons. All attempts at decorating the house with nice things have stopped. I don't mean to put you off on having kids, it is good to have them while you are still young, but they are alot of work. Be prepared to lose alot of sleep.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger sherni said...

chic mommy ~ you wrote out everything thats on my mind. All i hear is positive things about having kids and I'm getting sick of it. Especially my MIL saying that I can leave the kids at home anytime and still go on vacations. Uh, NO! My husband and I would feel so guilty leaving the kids - even if I was ok with it, I know he won't be.

Luckily, we know that they'll be around to help out but I'm just not ready to lose my identity yet and become a mother. The maternal instincts aren't kicking in yet!

Thanks for your advice =)

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