Bicoastalism: the story of my life

Born and Raised in Cali but (temporarily?) on the East Coast.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hola mis amigos - so I am now in the sunny land of California =) Everything here is so much lighter, warmer and less stressful. The flight was amazing and the steward dude was hilarious -- he told a bunch of jokes while we were waiting to take off. At the end when most of them do the normal schpeel on baggage shifting so be careful when you open the compartment, he said "Listen up folks, this is important, shift happens." Haha, we were all cracking up. Ok, you had to be there.

Anyways, some food and a nap later, I think I'm adjusted. Must start my california job tomorrow morning but until then I'm wasting time and catching up with the familia.

My mom says I'm too skinny and when I told her how much I weigh she freaked out. Then she told me how beautiful I looked last year during our anniversary trip. This was at my highest weight when my oval face turned into a circle with chubby cheeks. And it only took 5 pounds for me to look like that! Anyways, she says I look like a girl again instead of a woman. Of course, in her mind, married Indian women should be fat. Haha. My dad said don't get too skinny and my sister wants the details on how I did it. This is fun =)

Ok now to go take care of this massive jetlagged headache.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Oni said...

so true -- I was in the Bay Area last weekend and my mom was going insane about weight -- the woman was straight up bugging out. She packed me an additional suitcase of food and forced me to take it on the plane. I'm coming up this weekend -- I might as well just bring a second empty suitcase.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger sherni said...

Seriously! my mom thinks I'm not eating even though I keep telling her that I'm eating plenty - even more than usual because working out makes you eat more.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger cookiemonsta said...

i am glad you wandered to my space. Now i have a new blog to read :)
Thanks for stopping by!

At 3:53 PM, Blogger chick pea said...


i am so jealous...

when you get off hte plane in california, it's like a load has been lifted off hte shoulders.. i feel so much lighter there...

eat some in and out fries for me chica

At 4:36 PM, Blogger sherni said...

chick pea ~ how hilarious! I JUST had a cheeseburger and animal style in n out fries with my sister =)

At 1:06 PM, Blogger sherni said...

haha, that's so true! damn in n out and their private company! actually I kinda want it to stay on the west coast so there's one more reason i can use on hubby to move out here =)

At 1:36 AM, Blogger Roonie said...

Too bad you can't just stay...

I love In-n-Out. Even as a vegetarian. You wouldn't believe how good their grilled cheeses are!


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